Building a Values-Driven Organizational Culture

“In the face of undefined values, we undertook a transformative journey, amplifying team voices to establish powerful shared beliefs. Conducting cultural assessments and orchestrating a Global Values Event, we launched a roadmap for living cultural principles. The impact was profound, with 96% of team members gaining a better understanding of our values, solidifying a culture of internal alignment.”

  • Challenged by undefined company values, the initiative aimed to amplify the team's sentiments about the work environment and embark on a journey to establish and commit to a set of shared beliefs.

  • —Conducted cultural assessments and gathered input from employees at all levels for diverse perspectives

    —Examined current behaviors to define existing cultural elements and the aspirational direction for the desired culture.

    —Collaborated with the CEO, leadership team, brand strategist, marketing, and key employees to establish company values

    —Organized workshops and facilitated sessions engaging leaders and employees to brainstorm and articulate core values.

    —Actively integrated diversity, equity, and inclusion as a focus into the foundation of the company values

    —Collaborated with graphic designers to create visually appealing materials for values branding, including graphics for the careers page and icons for continued usage throughout Slack

  • —Launched the company values and provided a roadmap for living key cultural principles

    —Orchestrated the Global Values Event, successfully memorializing and embedding the company values into the foundation of the culture and providing employees an opportunity to connect

    —Achieved an impressive 96% of team members indicating they had a better understanding of the core values following the Global Values Launch & Virtual Event.

    —Developed comprehensive global policies aligned with the company’s cultural values.


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